Saturday, August 3

Lucid Dreaming

Have you ever had a dream and partway through you realized you were dreaming? Well, there's an entire community centered around recreating that, lucid dreaming: a dream in which the dreamer is conscious and aware of his/her surroundings.

It's no simple task, by any means. There are several core techniques, and dozens, if not hundreds of individual "spin-off" methods. Now, I'm not here to explain to you exactly how to lucid dream. There are plenty of easy to find online resources, such as Dream Views, but I've been trying off and on to lucid dream for a few years, and while I haven't put the dedication in to have much results, the effort I put into it, and the things I did while practicing, have helped.

Much of lucid dreaming is increasing one's awareness, meditating, and paying attention to one's dreams. Binaural beats and brainwave entrainment are also used to create brainwaves beneficial to lucid dreaming. The dreams themselves a great experience, and one that can be particularly therapeutic to an individual with Aspergers.

Anyone who hasn't heard of lucid dreaming: I urge you to look into it; if you don't succeed, the steps towards your goal can only help.