Monday, July 29

Banishing minor depression

The way I see it, depression can manifest in many different ways, some of which can be rather subtle. It's possible to be depressed but also able to do everything you would normally do.

Feeling that way is miserable; it sucks all the joy out of you, but it isn't enough to be totally debilitating. Only enough to keep you from enjoying anything you do.

Fortunately, I find that it's not too hard to get rid of. The trick is to do something productive or helpful. Personally, writing something for my blog does a lot to shake my bad mood, and I've also done volunteer work that gave me a sense of purpose and worth.

Depression has a tendency to focus one's thoughts on him or herself, which inevitably leads to feelings of helplessness, worthlessness, or isolation. Don't let yourself believe that! Any act of benevolence, or good deed is worth a huge amount. Even something as minor as complimenting someone you know can greatly impact their lives.

Whenever you feel helpless, remember this: there are many stories floating around the internet of a suicidal person, preparing to end their lives, who meets a friendly stranger and changes their mind. Just imagine if you're small effort saves a life. You might never even know, so don't give up hope!

This is Jordan from signing off!

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