Sunday, July 28

Go move!

Depression is a deceptively debilitating ailment; although it seems to be a minor issue, it's anything but insignificant. Unfortunately, it's also one of the more difficult aspects of Aspergers to conquer.

The bright side of it is that it's incredibly simple to start treating.

The "secret" doesn't lie in complicated techniques; the secret, is moving. Simple physical motion is the fundamental base for dealing with depression.

The hard part, I can personally attest to, is finding motivation to actually get up.

Recently, I was in a depressed mood. It wasn't extremely horrible, but it was enough to ensure I couldn't enjoy anything I was doing. At first, I was too absorbed by my emotions to really deal with them, but after some time, I got hungry and was forced into cooking a meal. It helped a lot.

The biggest single thing is this: no matter how helpless you feel because of depression, even a simple change of immediate surroundings can give you an edge in coping.

This is Jordan signing off.

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