Monday, February 4

Getting up early

While it's potentially tricky to manage, getting up early can also be fantastic! Personally, I hate mornings (see: four letter words), but I still try to get up early anyway.

I have to leave by 6:30 AM at the earliest, and 7 at the latest, though I attempt to haul my butt out of bed by 4 or 4:30. This ends up giving me around 3 hours of time for getting ready, and relaxing before I have to leave.

Being up before everyone else gives me some peace and quite that I really don't get at any other point once my day begins. Once I start getting ready, I have chores, school, homework, cooking, personal projects, and stuff to do for the rest of the day...

Which is all well and good, but it's also a pretty great feeling to have an hour or two before I have to do anything! And honestly, playing Minecraft and/or watch Star Trek once I'm ready to leave is awesome.

Additionally, getting up early acts as a safety net so that If I happen to oversleep, I'm not immediately late for school; When I do manage to get up right away though, there's plenty of time to prepare for the day, which is pretty sweet since it means I don't have to stress about anything in the morning.

I really do recommend trying it out if your schedule allows it. At worst, you'll find you can't manage it, and at best you'll have much more relaxing and enjoyable mornings.

This is Jordan from signing off!

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