Saturday, February 2

Weight LIfting

Weight Lifting:

I'm no body builder, but I can tell you that exercise is really an awesome thing. I know that some people like running and sports and the like, but personally, I can't stand those things. They're exhausting, difficult, take lots of time and effort. To me, they're also rather boring. However, I find that lifting wights is a great form of exercise that's easier and more enjoyable than cardio. It helps reduce appetite, increases energy levels, and - but wait, I'm sure you're not here to read about that stuff. So, yeah, here's how it's applicable to Autism.

In essence, lifting weights reduces stress, and therefore reduces frustration. Moreover, this type of exercise helps to increase awareness and tolerance. It's hard to be annoyed with someone when you're all chilled out from lifting! Physical activity releases endorphin and dopamine in the brain which in turn cause relaxation.

There's not much to it as this article isn't meant as a tutorial on how to lift, but weight lifting is really awesome at reducing stress and frustration.

This is Jordan from signing off!

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