Sunday, February 3

Help People

Do things to help people!

Volunteer, donate your time or your money, but be active in making the world a better place. Decrease world suck! Why?

Well, because the world needs it, but also because by helping people you increase your self-esteem and people love that!

People genuinely love other people who are confident and have high self-esteem. I can vouch for that. Someone who is so self-conscious that they don't do anything isn't someone I want to spend my time with, but people who are confident in themselves on the other hand... those are people who I try to get to know.

Helping people is a great way to improve self-esteem. I mean, you don't even have to do anything all that major. Just by doing little things you can make a difference, and that matters.

I did some volunteering with a local institution to help people with disabilities, and it made me feel so good to have been able to help people.

Really, if you're interested in bettering yourself, this is something you need to do. You can also do stuff online too. Sign up for forums or online volunteering projects, but do something!

This is Jordan from signing off!

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