Tuesday, February 5

Why do people judge others?!

Damn it! I will never understand why some people are so brutish to each other. I mean, don't people respect other members of humanity? I was talking with a friend today, and that person was telling me how their church judged and shunned them for something that they did. While I get that churches do this type of thing, and maybe I shouldn't be bothered by it, It's depressing. I believe that you come to trust the church you go to and you should be able to trust the people in it.

It really does bother me though; I can relate to similar judgement from my old church. When my parents got divorced, there was a massive amount of accusation and strife going around - some true, some false - but the issue became inflamed; while I was not responsible for anything my parents did, I felt like my life and my personal issues were being put on display for everyone to see. It was like people were surveying me to decide if they should side with me, or if they should distance themselves from me.

Really, the thing that bothers me isn't judgement - the world contently judges, condemns, and tears into people; that's how life is - what really upsets me is how my and my friend's privacy were disrespected! I have a right to privacy in my life.

Me and my friend both lost out on opportunities because of the blindness of people we should have been able to trust. My friend was literally disallowed to participate in church-related activities and while I wasn't hurt that much, I couldn't stand staying, and I had to leave the church.

What I do is between me and anyone it affects - not anyone who fancies themselves qualified to judge!

There's no point to this post, I suppose. I mean, maybe that's life, or maybe it's an example of extreme ignorance, but I don't feel qualified to judge. Please leave comments of your opinions; all I can say is that it sucks.

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